Thursday, April 2, 2009


Prisoners will find ingenious ways to communicate with one another and they will do so right in front of prison guards without them even knowing it. Prisoners also communicate with individuals on the outside through coded and encrypted letters that cannot be deciphered by prison guards and specialists. The Aryan Brotherhood and MS13 gangs are experts at using encoded dialects as well as symbols and hand gestures that law enforcement cannot decipher to communicate with each other. One way the prison inmates use to communicate with each other is a tactic called fishing in which inmates will tear out elastic lining from state issued bed linens or boxer shorts and use that line of elasticity to pas notes to other cells that they can drag and push in and out of cells. Prisoners also know to never discuss any sort of what thy deem to be a business matter in front of prison guards and they are also aware that if they do discuss anything secretive with a prison guard and become an informant that they will most likely become a gang target. this is something called putting a hit out. If one inmate becomes and informant and reveals information about they gang that they are affiliated with the gang will automatically put a hit out on that individual, which means that as soon as the opportunity arises they will be killed. Often times when this happens inmates are moved to the special needs unit to avoid a violent outburst.

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